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Hand In Hand

We, the graduating students will be putting on our graduation caps and receive our diplomas soon.

As the elementary school seniors, we were the ones that the younger students looked up to. We were the elders.

Now, we will be leaving our posts, handing down our positions to incoming sixth-graders. We will now be the young ones.
To stand on that stage and receive our diplomas is one reward we can never forget.
The many years of hardships and troubles finally paid off.
This year was the hardest with the never-ending stream of projects, homework and tests. For an ordinary sixth-grader to juggle all of those is just special and amazing and tiring.
But all that hard work was well worth it the moment we come up the stage, with our advisers and parents looking on.
This is also their victory. They, who were there from the start and never left our sides. Without them, we will not be here, taking the next step in our lives.
To all the graduates this year, Congratulations!

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