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Cardiovascular Exercise

If doing regular exercise seems to be impossible especially if the workout is for cardiovascular activity, there are a quick shortcut that does not compromise your health and work.

The ideal exercise is 30 minutes most days of the week. This is proven to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol raise HDL (good) cholesterol; and improve cardio-health, reducing the risk for diabetes and heart disease.

If this 30-minute goal is impossible, take three 10-minute walks each day. Short bursts have real health benefits. Assuming the intensity is identical to that of a 30-minute workout; you’ll burn the same number of calories and get the heart-health benefits.

You can also devote 10 minutes of you lunch hour to a brisk walk. Or climb a few flights of stairs several times a day instead of using the elevator or take your dog for a short walk.

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