A Heritage in Retrospect: Fuerza San Andres, Romblon

The Island of Romblon, renowned for its world-class quality marble, is also home to exotic tourist destinations and rich cultural heritage. Historic but most often forgotten, some of these structures were once bastions of might and power that struck fear in the hearts of unwanted elements that dared cross the borders. Let us venture back in these centuries old remnants of the past and relive its glorious beginnings.
Due to its vast expanse of tropical rainforest and rugged mountain terrain, Romblon can only be reached by sea through its port. Thus, during the early 1500s, the Spanish regiment in the area led by Rev. Pedro De San Agustin, A.R., otherwise known as Padre Capitan, decided to build two watch towers (ideally situated on opposite high ledges) to guard the pass. One was called Fuerza San Andres, while the other Fuerza Santiago. Both have served their purpose well, providing no element of surprise to sea pirates and would-be attackers as they can be easily spotted even before entering the cove. Built from coral blocks and stone bricks, these ominous structures have been sturdy enough to thwart even the most vicious of attacks.
Moving forward in time to the present era, Fuerza San Andres or Fort San Andres, has been declared as a heritage site. It has become one of the main attractions in the land frequented by local and foreign tourists alike. It is best to visit the site by foot; which is only about 15-20 minutes’ walk upon arrival from the Port of Romblon. You can enjoy the different shops selling intricate marble designs and dine among choice food stops along the way.
Going towards the main platform on the top of the hill will prove to be a challenge to some. Why is this so? Talk about some 197 steps of steep climb that’s 156 feet above sea level! The steps makes a great area for cardiovascular exercise for health buffs, don’t you agree? The lower half of the stairs is made from the original stonework, while the upper half is crafted with artistic mix of marble slabs. You can actually find a Map of Romblon depicted in marble and other works of art as you get near the top.
It doesn’t stop there though. Once you are on the top of the hill and facing the walls admiring the stonework, turn around. Lo and behold! Admire the grandeur of nature’s beauty! You can see the entire town of Romblon, the port, and the picturesque combination of white sandy beaches, pristine blue waters, green forests, rolling hills and mountain tops covered by the clouds.
The heritage site of Fuerza San Andres is but one of many that the Province of Romblon can offer. Pack your bags and venture out in the Islands of Romblon. It will be all worth the wait.
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